

Hi all:
This e-mail letter from Diana, same age as my wife Anita and it seems to me that Anita had gone through and still is going through the same thing that Diane has been going through.
Strange as it seems.   :-)

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-----Original Message-----
From:	      Diana M <[log in to unmask]>

Date:	      Wed, 3 Sep 2008 21:44:17 
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Questions about dosage (Sinemet)

Hello everybody -

Last week, three years after my symptoms of pd appeared, I started on 
Sinemet. (I'm 67.) I'm taking a half of a 100/25 pill 3 x a day, and 
am supposed to go to a whole pill after a week, and to 1 1/2 pills 
after two weeks. Four days later, my balance (postural instability) 
was decidedly improved. The next day, I took a walk through rough 
terrain in the woods across the road--something I hadn't done in two 


1) Was this experience unusual? -- i.e. was it an unusually rapid response?

2) My neurologist, who specializes in movement disorders at a major 
clinic, says patients who take fully ample doses of Sinement do 
better and show fewer side effects down the road than patients who 
take lower doses that are just high enough to control the symptoms. 
Does this sound right?

3) My inclination would be to stay at the lowest dose for a few 
months, which my primary neurologist says would be OK. I'm still 
discussing this with both doctors. Any thoughts?


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