

Froma Harrop

23 Jul 2009

Obama's Halfway Change on Stem Cell Research

President Obama often tries to defuse divisive debates by talking of "false 
choices." A false choice implies that by restating the argument, both sides 
can get what they want.

On economics, Obama speaks of the false choice between "unforgiving 
capitalism and an oppressive government-run economy." On torture, he points 
to a false choice "between our security and our ideals." And when the 
dispute centers on embryonic stem cell research, he speaks of "a false 
choice between sound science and moral values."

Unfortunately, what Obama sometimes calls a "false choice" is merely a hard 
choice. And his tendency to split the difference results in "false change." 
Such is the case in the president's compromise over federal support for 
stem-cell research.

Embryonic stem cell science may someday produce cures for Alzheimer's and 
other dread diseases. That's why the public supports the research by more 
than two to one. There is, however, a vocal minority opposed to this work 
because it requires the destruction of embryos.
To keep the peace, Obama proposed new guidelines that go only halfway toward 
freeing embryonic stem-cell research. Some of the most promising 
investigations will still be denied federal funding.

"They yielded to political pressure when they didn't have to," Arthur 
Caplan, director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of 
Pennsylvania, told me.

To be sure, some of the policy changes are significant. They overturn the 
Bush rules that allowed federal funding for work on only 21 stem-cell lines 
made from embryos that had already been destroyed. These stem-cell colonies 
were of limited use. And they end the ban on funding for research using 
frozen embryos from fertility clinics, if the donor couples agree to release 
them for that purpose. There are now about 400,000 excess frozen embryos.

But Obama wouldn't budge on the prohibition against funding research that 
allows for the creation of embryos out of human cells.
The process is called therapeutic cloning and is important because it lets 
scientists work with cells taken from a patient. The body is less likely to 
reject tissues and organs made from one's own cells.

Bear in mind that therapeutic cloning has little to do with human cloning, 
which is about making new people and is illegal most everywhere. But say 
that cloning is being used in research, and a lot of folks think they're 
going to have a clone as a neighbor in a few years.
The administration's compromise throws a wrench in the ethical argument over 
destroying embryos. Foes of embryonic stem-cell research hold that embryos 
are full human beings. Supporters say that these 6-day-old clusters of cells 
are not human beings. This is a religious, not a scientific, debate.

But by allowing the use of embryos from fertility clinics and not those 
created by researchers, the administration lends credence to the view that 
embryos are full human beings. "You're giving validity to a bad moral 
argument," Caplan says, "that embryos are people."

Let it be noted that the Bush rules were rife with hypocrisy. They forbade 
the use of fertility clinic embryos, even though they were being routinely 
discarded by the tens of thousands. The thinking was, better throw them down 
the drain than let scientists work with them.
The only difference between embryos in fertility clinics and the ones cloned 
for research is the motive of the people who created them. Creating embryos 
to help couples have children would seem a worthy enterprise - but so too is 
creating embryos to seek cures for horrible diseases.

Obama's timidity in rewriting the guidelines has slowed down important 
research and produced more confusion. And for Americans praying for cures 
from this science, the choice seems rather clear.

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