

I don't know who the author of this piece is, except for the URL, but I
totally agree with it and can only beg you to read the bill, especially the
section that starts on page 425 re living wills.
Peg Willocks had a great idea about us reading the bill.   Let's do it!!

I heard Glenn Beck try to cover his butt this past week in case we have 
another Dr. Tiller killing.


Source:  http:/

Bad Moon Rising
August 8, 2009, 9:18AM

What does it say about America when a small portion of the population
believes their president wants to kill them?

What does it say about this segment of the population when they sincerely
believe this ludicrous idea, even though they can't point to a THING in the
Obama health care reform plan that supports it?

What does it say about our country that people -- GOOD people who pay their
taxes and love their children and contribute to society in a positive way --
are so willing to believe that an innocent plan to reimburse doctors for
having end-of-life discussions once every five years with patients who
REQUEST such a discussion means Obama will have "death panels" to decide who
lives and who dies?

What does it say about a segment of our society when people with a vested
interest in maintaining the status quo can fool them into believing their
lie when a simple look at the proposed legislation would expose these lies?

Why is it easier for this segment of the population to believe their
president wants to smother them with pillows, rip babies from their bellies,
and send those deemed "unproductive" to the gas chambers than it is for them
to read the bill for themselves and come to a reasonable, logical decision
of what is IN the bill... not what they are TOLD is in the bill?

What does it say about these so-called opinion leaders like Limbaugh and
Hannity and Beck and Dobbs and others who say Obama is a Nazi and the health
care logo looks like a Nazi symbol and compare a plan to provide health care
for those who can not afford it and those with pre-existing conditions who
can not GET it to the HOLOCAUST -- the most evil act of man against man in
the history of the planet?

I'm not afraid of Islamofascists.  I don't worry about isolated Muslim
terror cells causing acts of terrorism in America.  I don't fear foreigners.
I fear these Americans who are willing to believe that their president wants
to kill their grandmothers and their babies.  I fear these so-called
"patriots" who believe liars like Sarah Palin who tells them that Obama
wants to kill her Downs Syndrome baby.  I fear these
intellectually-challenged mouth-breathing shouting idiots, like Minnesota
Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann who believes Obama wants to kill ME because
I have Parkinson's disease.

Noise is noise.  Demonstrations are demonstrations.  But evil is pervasive
and progressive.  First, they shout.  Then, they hit.  Then they damage
property.  Then... they start killing people.

That is what I fear.  Not some nameless, faceless Islamofascist with a dirty
bomb.  I fear some right-wing lunatic with a high-powered rifle who will try
to invalidate a legitimate election with a single bullet because the voices
on the radio TOLD him to.  I fear a group of self-styled "freedom fighters"
who -- inspired by Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann -- will pack a rental
truck with fertilizer and diesel fuel and park it in front of ANOTHER
federal building and blow it up in the name of "Liberty."

And I'm not the only one who fears this.  The ultra-right wing Pajamas Media
hate site, home for some of the most virulent, hate-filled commentary, has
posted a boilerplate warning to those who would add a thought to the comment

Pajamas Media appreciates your comments that abide by the following

1. Avoid profanities or foul language unless it is contained in a necessary
quote or is relevant to the comment.
2. Stay on topic.
3. Disagree, but avoid ad-hominem attacks.
4. Hate speech is not tolerated here.
5. Threats are treated seriously and reported to law enforcement.

These guidelines are very general and cannot cover every possible situation.
Please don't assume that Pajamas Media management agrees with or otherwise
endorses any particular comment. We reserve the right to filter or delete
comments or to deny posting privileges entirely at our discretion. If you
feel your comment was filtered inappropriately, please email us at
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They feel this will cover them from a liability standpoint in case someone
takes seriously what they publish in their articles and decides to act on
it.  Stories like, "Obama wants to get your e-mail address if you disagree
with him so he can persecute you."

When something bad happens and the pushing and shoving at the town halls
escaltes into real violence, and the unthinkable happens... you know what I
mean by that... these same people who have stoked the violence and fanned it
and nurtured the hatred that led to it will scratch their heads in wonder
and tell you it wasn't their fault.  They were just "talking."  They were
just "expressing an opinion."

At some point, we have to ask ourselves when this constant fanning of
irrational hatred and paranoia and tweaking of the fear and emotions of
stupid people who fear the unknown and hate the fact that we have an African
American as president equates to "shouting fire in a crowded theater."

And we'd better do it soon.

See more at

 Rayilyn Brown
Director AZNPF
Arizona Chapter National Parkinson Foundation
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