

Single payer is the only system that works, and the Canadian system  
proves it, as does the British, French and German. Conservatives are  
fond of condemning single-payer systems, saying that it places the  
government between the doctor and the patient. Well, my friend, it is  
far worse to have the insurance companies between the doctor and the  
patient. And the insurance companies are out of control. Left to their  
own device they will continue to run up costs in pursuit of ever more  
profits. After all, their motives are tied to increasing profit, not  
concern for the patient.

If the insurance companies prevail, and they have the $$$ to buy the  
congress and  the Senate, they will bankrupt the economy. Without  
shadow of a doubt. Enjoy your reverie now because the economy is  
headed for the crapper. For a while I had some hope. The election of  
Obama seemed to indicate that the electorate was maturing and had  
perhaps learned a lesson from re-electing W. But it seems like the big  
money is gonna torpedo any hopes for universal health care.

Like the song goes, "Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think." The  
right wing nuts will buy their way into denying the change that Obama  
was elected for.

Boy, am I glad to be living in Canada where some sanity prevails and  
the term "single payer" and concern for our fellow man are paramount.  
The overriding motif seems to be: "I'm alright Jack" and thousands --  
nay, millions -- shall suffer the tragedy of either having no  
insurance, losing insurance when they lose their jobs, or having their  
insurers refuse to carry out their responsibilities and deny users  
care claiming 'prior' conditions or just curtailing losses in cases  
where they can get away with it.  Socialism is a dirty word amongst  
the conservatives; well, watch what happens with unbridled capitalism  
reigns supreme.

I expect that President Palin will satisfy you, right? And God will  
provide, right?

On 5-Sep-09, at 5:10 PM, Black Charles wrote:

> you are painting with a broad brush there Ray! I disagee with your  
> premise. The Conservatives have come up with many ides, mostly  
> rejected out of hand by the "progessives".
> Don't intermix the terms "Progressive"  and"Liberal" either,they are  
> NOT the same thing!
> I have no confidence in the Fed's ability to run a single payer  
> system.
> the single payer system is designed for one thing and one thing  
> only, and thats to give the Federal govenment control over 25% of  
> our economy.
> Ezekual and  Rahm Emanual are both on the record as supporting end  
> of life rationing  of health care. I have seen them say so, this is  
> NOT a debateable point, it is a FACT.
> These  progressives give zero thought to the outcome of their  
> actions, they just want their "vision"  impliemented. The ends  
> justify the means with these people. As a PWP I am concerned about  
> everyone's care under single payer.
> Need I even start on Van  Jones? Anyone who agrees with his  
> positions...well....
> Charlie
> --- On Fri, 9/4/09, rayilynlee <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> From: rayilynlee <[log in to unmask]>
>> Subject: Elephant in the Room
>> To: [log in to unmask]
>> Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 10:47 AM
>> The "elephant in the room" is that
>> there is no elephant (GOP) in the room when it comes to
>> progressive reforms.
>> And with the exception of progressive Republicans in the
>> Progressive Era  (early 20th century) there has been no
>> effort from them to promote the general welfare since the
>> Civil War.  In the late 19th century Robber Barons made
>> the 14th Amendment their own, e.g., a corporation is a
>> "person".
>> Since the 1930's they have opposed Social Security,
>> Medicare,  Medicaid, and universal health care, with
>> the same arguments:  It costs too much and it is
>> socialism.
>> Moving too fast you say again, how long do we wait, another
>> few centuries?  Its kind of like waiting for a cure for
>> PD.  Don't hold your breath while the rest of the world
>> surges ahead.
>> lunatic fringe controls the party.
>> They are truly the party of "NO",  no change, no
>> solutions, no compassion.
>> Ray
>> Rayilyn Brown
>> Director AZNPF
>> Arizona Chapter National Parkinson Foundation
>> [log in to unmask]
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