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November, 2012

In this Issue:
Dean's Message
OISE Alumni Association
Boundless Promise
A Donor Story
Alumni Community Update
Recent Events
Alumni Spotlight
Alumni Honours & Awards
In Memoriam
Alumni in the Media


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From Dean Julia O'Sullivan

As Dean of OISE, my richest experiences have come from meeting our alumni and they are amongst the best and the brightest in their fields. We have over 80,000 members worldwide; they are the greatest ambassadors for Canada, Ontario, and our education system. Having the opportunity to meet so many alumni has strengthened my commitment to create a dynamic relationship between the Institute and its alumni.


Request for Archives

This academic year marks the 30th Anniversary of the OISE Alumni Association. During this anniversary year, the Association's archivist, Sylvia M. McPhee (M.Ed '78), is collecting and cataloguing photos, articles and Association meeting minutes. If you have material you'd like to see included in the archives, please send copies to OISE Advancement


U of T responds to increased demand for financial need-based scholarships

Over the next five years the demand for needs-based scholarships is expected to increase by 34%. With 14,000 undergraduate students needing financial assistance each year, the University of Toronto created Boundless Promise. Under the Boundless Promise program, the University will match the interest earned on endowed donations of $25,000 or more for needs-based scholarships.

We are delighted for this opportunity to increase the funding for our undergraduate students at OISE who have financial need. Each year we accept nearly 2,000 undergraduates, and we are committed to ensuring that none of them must decline due to financial need.

For more information please contact Ina Hupponen at (416) 978-1126 or [log in to unmask]


Needs based scholarship realizes student's dream

Chen"When I received the call that I had been awarded the Vari scholarship that would pay for my entire university education, I broke down immediately and cried."  Dong-Ling Chen

Dong-Ling dreamed of becoming a teacher ever since, as an at-risk student, a teacher helped her turn things around.


Alumni LinkedIn group nearing 700 members

Alumnus, Dr. Haig Baronikian (M.Ed.'93) was among the first 100,000 LinkedIn users. Seeing that the University of Toronto had already started a group he was inspired to launch a LinkedIn group for OISE alumni. He hopes this provides a vehicle to share information, announce events of interest and network.


Re-Connecting at the 2012 OISE Spring Reunion Brunch

OISE' s Alumni Association organized a brunch and lecture on June 2, 2012 as part of U of T's 2012 Spring Reunion. Dean Julia O'Sullivan gave a warm welcome to the nearly 80 alumnus who attended.

The highlight of the event was Janette Pelletier's talk entitled Full-day Learning/Kindergarten: The Impact on Staff, Parents and Children. Professor Pelletier (B.Ed.'86, M.Ed.'89, PhD '94), director of the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study gave the audience a personal and inspiring assessment of recent changes to full-day early learning and of her ongoing research.

Many who attended the Spring Reunion Brunch enjoyed re-connecting with old class mates and making new aquaintances. This year's event was memorably enhanced by the music of student harpist, Elizabeth Bawel and the catering which was provided by the students at Danforth Technical Institute.

Check out OISE's Alumni & Friends website in the new year for details on the 2013 Spring Reunion event. More


Bruce Carter (Ed.D. 1967)


"I remember the University of Toronto and OISE with great affection. It was particularly exciting to be part of OISE from its inception."

Bruce returned to Australia soon after graduating from OISE where he spent most of his career as Headmaster for many independent schools. He started out though as Deputy Head of Knox Grammar School in Sydney in 1970. From 1978 to 2005, he was Head of Scotch College, Launceston (Tasmania) now Scotch Oakburn College. More


Dr. Eric Jackman (BA '57 Trinity, MA '62 U of T), Ron Graham, Aviva Zukerman Schure , Elizabeth Jarvis (BEd '62, MEd '66, PhD '73, OISE) and Danielle Lobo (MEd '12, OISE) were all honoured with a 2012 Arbour Award which recognizes outstanding volunteer service to the OISE community.

Salvatore Sinopoli (BEd 1978), Stacie Carroll (Diploma), and Harriet Simand (BEd 2000) received the Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence 2012

Jacqueline Spence (MEd 2000) has been named principal of Africentric Alternative School

Dr. MaryLynn West-Moynes (PhD 2012) has been appointed President and CEO at Georgian College

Mark Cassar (BEd 1991, MEd 2001) was awarded Excellence in Leadership - School or Board, Premier's Award for Teaching Excellence

Sheri Alcordo (MEd 2002) was awarded Teacher of the Year, Premier's Award for Teaching Excellence

Neil Orford (BEd 1987) was awarded Teacher of the Year, Premier's Award for Teaching Excellence

Jason Trinh (BEd 2010) was awarded New Teacher of the Year, Premier's Award for Teaching Excellence

Soteira Hortop (BEd 2010) was awarded the 2012 YWCA Young Women of Distinction Award for her efforts in enrching the lives of girls and women


Peter Cram (1983-2012) Western Tech students remember Peter Cram, beloved teacher and football coach The Star.com

Professor Walter G. London (1926-2012) Professor Walter G. London joined the Faculty of Education in the late 1960's, became Associate Dean in 1975 and continued in that role until his retirement in 1983. According to Walter's wishes there was no service however donations may be may be sent to the Temmy Latner Centre for Palliative Care, Mount Sinai Hospital

Professor Roger Simon Professor Simon joined the Faculty of Education in 1970 and worked in the Department of Sociology and Equity Studies in Education with a cross appointment to Curriculum, Teaching and Learning until his retirement in June 2010. more

Constance (Connie) Dundas (need underhill) (1936-2012) As a teacher, Connie Dundas had a gift for connecting with her students, whether they were wide-eyed children or retirees with years of life experience. more

Professor Willard Brehaut (1928-2011) Professor Brehaut joined the Faculty of Education in 1967 and worked in the Higher Education department until his retirement in 1995. He passed peacefully at the Atlantic Baptist Nursing Home in Charlottetown, PEI. more


OISE alumni, faculty, students and staff have recently been featured in the news media for their expertise, leadership, community service and much more:

Joanne Foster (Ed D. 2000)
The gap advantage
Toronto Star, September 17, 2012

Lauren Kirshner (BEd 2009)
Calling young writers to collect oral history
Brantford Expositor, September 17, 2012

Ben Levin (PhD 1982, OISE Professor)
Holding back failing students not always the answer, experts say
Global News, September 10, 2012

Glen Jones (MEd 1988, PhD 1991)
Developing Canada's first international education strategy
University World News, September 10, 2012

Trevor Norris (BEd 2002, PhD 2008)
Nature and university inspired parents to name son Forest Hart: What's your name?
Toronto Star, August 24, 2012

Sachin Maharaj (BEd 2007, OISE graduate student)
Ontario teacher unions have a public relations problem
Toronto Star, June 13, 2012

MaryLynn West-Moynes (PhD 2012)
New Georgian president familiarizing herself with campuses
Simcoe.com, August 14, 2012

See who else is
in the media.

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
University of Toronto
252 Bloor Street West
Toronto, ON M5S 1V5
(416) 978-1125

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