REED-L members,

I'm forwarding the post below for Alan Baragona, who is having trouble posting to the list. If you have responses, reply to the list so that we may all benefit from whatever insights you might have.


Gloria J. Betcher, Ph.D.
Assistant Director of Graduate Education
Department of English
Iowa State University
419 Ross Hall
Ames, IA 50011
Office phone: (515) 294-3026

From: Baragona, Alan [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 7:06 PM
To: Betcher, Gloria J [ENGL]
Subject: RE: Query



A friend of mine, a fine actor with the American Shakespeare Center, currently working on an M.Litt. dissertation about the depiction of Hell Mouth in medieval drama has seen a couple of footnote references to a gala production for the dediction of St. Michael's Cathedral in Munich that supposedly included a Hell Mouth big enough to swallow 500 people. Nobody he can find has written at length about this. Does anybody know anything about it and a source he might check? It doesn't have to be in English.

This also got me wondering if there is any European equivalent of the REED project. Anyone know of a collection of records for medieval drama in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, or elsewhere?
