


SOCAAR is pleased to announce the next SOCAAR Seminar:
  Wednesday, March 18, 2015, 3 - 4 PM
200 College Street - WB407

Probing Aerosol Particle Mimics with Droplet Microfluidics
Andrew R. Metcalf, Ph.D.
NSF-AGS Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Minnesota

Atmospheric aerosols are an important contributor to Earth's climate, and yet remain the largest source of uncertainty in modeling of future climate change. This uncertainty arises due to the intricate nature of aerosol particles - specifically how multiple phases within an aerosol particle interact with each other. Many factors play a role in determining a particle's internal structure, resulting in many possible particle configurations. For example, the aqueous and organic phases in a single aerosol particle may align in side-by-side nodule morphology, or the organic phase may form a film that completely surrounds the aqueous phase. In order to fully predict a particle's internal structure at a given temperature, relative humidity, and chemical composition, fundamental studies of interfaces observed in atmospheric aerosol particles are essential.
In this seminar, I will discuss our recent developments to harness droplet microfluidics to probe the fundamental properties of aerosol particle interfaces. By using this microscale platform, important rheological, thermodynamic, and kinetic properties of atmospheric aerosol mimics can be explored, yielding insight into multiphase aerosol particle dynamics. Specifically, I will highlight recent results from our lab in which we studied the time-dependent interfacial tension of a reacting methylglyoxal-aqueous ammonium sulfate mixture, its evolution with time, and the relevance of these results to the atmosphere.

If you are unable to join us for the seminar in person, we will be broadcasting the presentations live during the seminar using GoToMeeting software. Please feel free to join us online using a web-browser or by calling in and using the webviewing software. If you do decide to join us, please remember to mute your microphone.  If you have any questions during the meeting you are welcome to contact me by email, or by using the GoToMeeting chat.

Instructions on how to connect:
Using your web-browser or smartphone
By telephone.

Dial +1 (647) 497-9379
Access Code: 493-701-085

Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 493-701-085