

These organizations are all the same... driven by fund raising not real
support. My father was confirmed last fall as the oldest and longest term
PD patient known to the UHN. He was the oldest participant in the GDNF
study in 2002 and one of the pioneer recipients of DBS. He was on his
deathbed 8 years ago, my sister and I already planning his funeral as
doctors at the Krembil Neuro Sciences Center at Western Hospital in Toronto
(U of T) had said "*it wouldn't be long*" and sent him home with no hope
for rehab. On his deathbed we were introduced to a new natural supplement
created by the former Senior Editor of the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,
Dr. Nagasawa. In less than 1 hour my father was walking again, he hadn't
for nearly a year. After 8 months he had weened himself off all PD
medication and even was able to regain his drivers license. He's still
active today. He's now 83 years old and diagnosed for more than 40 years.
You can read his story at

To be clear, he's not cured. He still has PD and eventually it will take
him, but his quality of life, his health and mental capacity is as good as
ANY normal 83 year old, in fact its better than many. Since our discovery
I've been working indirectly with Dr. Nagasawa and other medical scientists
using this technology in 3rd world countries because people over here
seemingly would rather poison themselves. A few years go I sat on a plane
from Vegas to Buffalo with Dr. Fine, one of America's top Neurologists who
told me point blank that "there isn't a single drug including the original
Bare Aspirin that isn't toxic". Since toxins are detrimental to neuro
function .... do the math.

My point in this, in relation to your comment Nick, I've been trying to get
through to the MJFF and to MJF himself for as many years as my father has
been off his meds. I've spoken with scientists, doctors and administrators
at the foundation and delievered all of the scientific documentation on
this cutting edge technology and it goes NOWHERE! No ... its not a cure.
But it could seriously improve the quality of life of many PD patients
everywhere and even if they still need their meds .. it can improve the
function of those drugs by reducing the toxic load caused by the drugs. But
hey ... we can't see how we can make any money on it ... so why tell anyone?

God Bless you all searching for answers. Its a horrible road. My father is
my best friend and I know before long I'll have to say goodbye, I just
thank God everyday that in finding this supplement I was able to give him a
reasonably better quality of life in his latter years. At 83 he still works
with my mom in their gardens and doing little chores around the house. At
83 without such a disease though, I could still have been saying goodbye,
you can't put a price tag on that.

Martin Stepanek
GenePool Sports Inc - Founder, Sponsor Scout
Max Freedom Team - Partnerships
On Jun 7, 2016 2:44 AM, "Nick" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> MJFF is against the REGROW ACT, and sent a letter to the author of the
> act, Sen. Mark Kirk.  It appears that MJFF is in bed with big pharma by
> doing this.  Read the letter MJFF and others sent, and if you don't puke
> over it, you don't have any firing synapses. Here's my posted response to
> I totally agree with Ellie Baum.  I have to go to Mexico to buy Tasigna
> for my wife who has Parkinson's disease 22 years now, even though Tasigna
> got rave reviews by the 2 doctors who ran the phase 1 trial. A totally bs
> trial as Tasigna has been on the market for 9 years, as a cancer
> treatment.  I can't get a prescription written, even though it is a valid
> cross label drug, because the 2 quacks who ran the phase 1 trial said we
> need to wait for phase 2 and 3 trials!!!  FOR NO GOOD REASON!!!
> You can read MJFF opposition letter to the REGROW Act at:
> Also read Ellie Baum's and my response to the MJFF letter.  MJF is a
> traitor to the parkies..
> Nick Drozdowski
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