

BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:REQUEST PRODID:Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Eastern Standard Time BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:16010101T020000 TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=1SU;BYMONTH=11 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:16010101T020000 TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=2SU;BYMONTH=3 END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT ORGANIZER;CN=SOCAAR:MAILTO:[log in to unmask] ATTENDEE;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;PARTSTAT=NEEDS-ACTION;RSVP=TRUE;CN="SOCAAR-l: Southern Ontario Centre for Atmospheric Aerosol Research":MAILTO:SOCAAR-L@l ATTACH:CID:[log in to unmask] DESCRIPTION;LANGUAGE=en-US:Hi Everyone\,\n\nSOCAAR is pleased to announce o ur Seminar for December 2019\,\nWednesday\, December 4\, 2019\n3:00 - 4:00 PM\nWallberg Building\, 200 College Street\, Room 215\n\n\n\n\n\nJay G. Sl owik\n\nResearch Scientist\n\nLaboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry\nPaul Sc herrer Institute\nSwitzerland\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAtmospheric Aerosol Analy sis by Online Extractive Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry\nMass s pectrometry is a powerful tool for the analysis of aerosol composition. Ho wever\, tradeoffs typically exist between the loss of chemical information due to thermal decomposition and/or ionization-induced fragmentation on t he one hand\, and lower time resolution and/or separated collection/analys is stages on the other. We address these issues through the development of an extractive electrospray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer (E ESI-TOF)\, which provides online\, highly time-resolved measurements of ae rosol composition without significant decomposition or fragmentation. Furt her\, the EESI-TOF provides a versatile sampling/ionization framework\, as by simply changing the composition of the primary spray and mass spectrom eter polarity\, the instrument can be configured to optimize detection of different organic fractions or water-soluble metals\, while the sampling i nlet can be configured to allow separate detection of the gas and particle phase. Two applications of the EESI-TOF are presented. First\, we demonst rate rapid intra-particle decomposition reactions in secondary organic aer osol generated from the dark ozonolysis of α-pinene\, as well as further reaction on the exposure of the aerosol to visible light. Second\, we expl ore the sources and processes governing SOA composition in complex urban e nvironments.\n──────────────────── ──────────────────────── ──────\n\n\nPlease join my meeting from your computer\, tablet or smartphone.\n\n\nYou can also dial in using your phone.\nCanada: +1 (647) 497-9373\n- One-touch: te l:+16474979373\,\,564399213#\n\nAccess Code : 564-399-213\n\nNew to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when you r first meeting starts:\n \n──────────────────────── ──────────────────────── ──\n UID:040000008200E00074C5B7101A82E0080000000020FBA4FE5FA0D501000000000000000 0100000009FD446674B931D40B04AAB02E0541C14 SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en-US:SOCAAR Seminar - Dr. Jay Slowik DTSTART;TZID=Eastern Standard Time:20191204T150000 DTEND;TZID=Eastern Standard Time:20191204T160000 CLASS:PUBLIC PRIORITY:5 DTSTAMP:20191121T163820Z TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED SEQUENCE:0 LOCATION;LANGUAGE=en-US:WB215\, 200 College Street X-MICROSOFT-CDO-APPT-SEQUENCE:0 X-MICROSOFT-CDO-OWNERAPPTID:-212486173 X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS:TENTATIVE X-MICROSOFT-CDO-INTENDEDSTATUS:BUSY X-MICROSOFT-CDO-ALLDAYEVENT:FALSE X-MICROSOFT-CDO-IMPORTANCE:1 X-MICROSOFT-CDO-INSTTYPE:0 X-MICROSOFT-DONOTFORWARDMEETING:FALSE X-MICROSOFT-DISALLOW-COUNTER:FALSE X-MICROSOFT-LOCATIONS:[{"DisplayName":"WB215\, 200 College Street"\,"Locati onAnnotation":""\,"LocationUri":""\,"LocationStreet":""\,"LocationCity":"" \,"LocationState":""\,"LocationCountry":""\,"LocationPostalCode":""\,"Loca tionFullAddress":""}] BEGIN:VALARM DESCRIPTION:REMINDER TRIGGER;RELATED=START:-PT15M ACTION:DISPLAY END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR