

Hi Everyone,

SOCAAR is pleased to announce our last SOCAAR Seminar for 2023:

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

3:00PM - 4:00PM EST

Dr. Matt Loxham

Principal Research Fellow/BBSRC David Phillips Fellow in Air Pollution Toxicology

Faculty of Medicine
University of Southampton

United Kingdom

Shipping-related air pollution – regulation, mitigation, composition, and toxicology

Shipping is used to transport over 90% of internationally trafficked goods; the resulting emissions from shipping are an important contributor to global air pollution.  Moreover, ports are major hubs of activity, involving freight haulage and goods processing, while some ports also host large passenger cruise operations.  Given that many of the world’s most populous cities have large ports, there is the potential for impact on air quality in these cities and coastal areas, and consequently on health.
However, the regulation of emissions from ships is somewhat separate from landside emissions regulations, and mitigation measures are also quite different.  Furthermore, the characteristics of such emissions can be quite different to other sources, and therefore their characteristics and potential to drive health effects warrant study.
This seminar will present the current knowledge regarding shipping emissions, with a focus on particulate matter, including regulation, composition, mitigation, and impacts on air quality and health.  It will present results from a recent study undertaken by our group, where we have characterised particulate matter from shipping and other port-related sources in a busy mixed-use port, with a specific focus on composition-associated toxicology.

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