

     Wow! - Thank heavens I have found a listserv discussion group for medieval
 English music, etc. I am a doctoral student at the University of Kansas,
Lawrence, Kansas, working on a Ph.D. in musicology. The title of my disserta-
ion is "The Thirteenth-Century Monophonic Sequence Repertory at the Cathedral
Church of Salisbury (Sarum)." I will be graduating in May 1991. I am also
interested in the relationships between liturgy, music, and saints' relics in
medieval England. I have already given a number of papers on the Feast of
Relics in the Sarum Use, and hope to continue research in this area in the
future. I would appreciate contact with others who are interested in these
areas, as well as anything having to do with medieval England, especially
music and liturgy. I hope to participate in many interesting discussions
in this group.
                                           Brad Eden
                                           University of Kansas
                                           Lawrence, Kansas  66045