

As you can see, all the response has been very positive! In fact,
thanks to Pat Conner's advertising of us on ANSAXNET, we have grown
a bit since I posted my question/plea. I should explain that what
is not automatic at the moment is the signing-on of new members.
It was getting awfully discouraging to add people to a list that
had so little traffic. Your responses have made me feel that our
list is serving a purpose, however, and I am glad to carry on
as is. Thanks to all who have sent in messages.
A little housekeeping: there are two machines here at Toronto (actually
there are more, but only 2 concern us): one is UTOREPAS (or vm.epas.utor-, for those in INTERNET-land), a humanities computing machine;
the other is UTORONTO. UTORONTO is the LISTSERV node, so it is the
'home machine' of REED-L. My 'home machine' is UTOREPAS. Therefore,
-please send mail for the list to REED-L@UTORONTO
-please send messages for me personally to REED@UTOREPAS or
-please tell people who may want to join to send a message to
Thank you all.