

A request for a few moments of your time please. I am running a short, 1 day
course about "Computing in the Humanities" towards the end of this month.  I
would like to present to those attending a sort of Polaroid snap-shot of the
variety of Computer/ing work that is going on in the Humanities and Arts
around the world.
If your work is in the Humanities/Arts, involves Computing and you have perhaps
a short ready-written description of what you are doing I would be very grateful
if you could e-mail me a copy (even a couple of lines REPLYed on the fly would
be appreciated!). Please reply to me at the e-mail address below.
Thanking you in anticipation (and best wishes for the coming year),
Simon Rae.				      [log in to unmask] (BITNET)
					       [log in to unmask] (JANET)
      Research Adviser, Academic Computing Service, The Open University,
             Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, United Kingdom.
							     phone (0908) 652413
							       fax (0908) 653744