

Dear REED-L-ers,
This is the first message I've tried to send you from the
new system, so I hope it works.
A few news items ---
The long-awaited 1990 REED Newsletter, containing the
bibliography issues (this year by Mary Blackstone) is
finally ready! The delay has been caused primarily by
re-organisation and up-grading of our production system
in-house: we think the results will have been worth
waiting for. Both issues will be sent out together
The Lancashire volume (lots of piping and rushbearing and other
nifty REED activities, but no witches) is in production and
should be sent to press some time this year (1991).
Many REEDers are going to be at the Mediaeval Institute
at Kalamazoo Michigan next week -- I hope any one from
this list who is there will please encourage others to
join: I think we still have not reached the proper
critical mass for discussion-generation! [For the benefit
of British readers: Yes, there really is a town in the
USA called Kalamazoo and there really is an annual
scholarly conference there on mediaeval and renaissance
That's all for now: hope you all have happy and
productive summers (I'm beginning mine by moving!)