

Avril Henry, of Exeter University in England, recently asked on
SEDIT-L whether any of the subscribers there were codicologists.  She
is a medievalist with questions in this area, and is seeking others
with the same interests.  I promised I would post a note on REED-L
inquiring whether anyone knew of a list that deals primarily with
manuscripts in the period before 1700, or would like to form one.  I
am not offering myself as listowner, nor is Avril, but perhaps someone
else is intrigued by the possibility.  PS: for those who undoubtedly
will ask, SEDIT-L is the list run by the Association for Documentary
Editing in the USA, a society composed chiefly of editors in the
post-1800 era, often editing collections of US statesmens' letters.
Germaine Warkentin                                     [log in to unmask]
English, Victoria College, University of Toronto