

Date:         Tue, 09 Nov 93 13:46:50 CST
From: ric <[log in to unmask]>
Organization: North Dakota Higher Education Computer Network
hi.  my name is richard ferraro.  i obtained my phd in 1989 from the
univ. kansas with a specialty in gerontology and cognitive psychology.
from 1989-1992 i was a research fellow in the Alzheimer's disease research
center (ADRC) at the washington university school of medicine in st. louis.
there i worked on cognitive neuropsychology re: Alzheimer's disease,
Parkinson's disease, and normal healthy aging.  in 1992 i accepted a tenure
tracl position as an asst. prof in the psychologt dept at the univ. north
dakota.  i continue my cognitive neuropsych research, and am a member of
the dementia clinic at out medical schools' VA, as well as do research
re: AD, PD, stroke, and MS.  rf