

My friend's father, who is about 75 years old, is currently visiting his son.
The father is from Asia.  For last few days he has been going through what he
describes as "balance" problems.  He can't walk slow, whenever he needs to
move he sort of shuffles very fast to his destination.  Sometimes he bends
backwards involuntarily.  At times he moves from side to side as though he is
going to fall off his chair.  He does not realize that he has these problems.
In addition, he has a very very short memory, but it seems like his long term
memory is very good.  Are these signs and symptoms related to parkinsonism?
        If anybody out there can relate to such problems, please make
suggestions as to what we can expect to see in future.  He was taken to a doctor
who gave him medication for vertigo--didn't help much.
Thank you.
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