

Dear List Subscribers:
        Glad to hear from Barb with her greetings, and I want to add mine.
I also want to make a suggestion.  I would like to invite various of you to
share your story on the network.  I did that as an opener a few weeks ago and
got a few replies.  I appreciate that.  I have been reading my mail each day
hoping to see others to which I could reply and have not.  So I invite you
as a New Years round of activity, to begin to hear from others.
        I like many of you have a number of things that I am trying.  Right
after I was diagnosed, last January, it occurred to me that dopamine is an
amino acid; maybe I could improve the dopamine uptake if I could improve my
body chemistry and metabolism.  I recalled that one of my former students
was a practicing psychologist in the SF bay area, and had found a former
psychologist who had extensive biochemistry training and had referred some
clients to him.  The results were impressive, and the man really seemed to
know what he was doing.  So I tracked him down, and had him do an extensive
analysis of my metabolism through analysis of my urine, both 24 hour and over
a 5 day period.  He also had a hair analysis done looking for heavy metals
and, later on, a live blood analysis (which I had to do by going and seeing
him personally).  From that, he suggested a regimen of amino acids, minerals,
vitamins, etc.  I take a pack of them morning and evening, and a few at
noon.  Prior to starting all this, and after his reports back to me, I went
over them with a family friend who is an internist, my own internist and my
neurologist to make sure that it was OK.  They were somewhat skeptical but
said that it shouldn't hurt and I could try it if I wanted to.
        I have been on that regime since last March.  I immediately noticed
three things:  (1)  I put on 8 lbs. of weight.  I have been unable to gain
weight for many years, hovering at about 135.  (2)  I had far less gas and
bloating.  (3)  I had to urinate much less frequently.  Soon, I also noticed
that I was not falling asleep in meetings that I had been doing.  I also
began to be less fatigued in the afternoons; that change has been very slow
but steady since last summer.  I don't know whether all of this is entirely
due to the nuitritional changes, but I think so.
        His name is Robert Erdmann, he lives in Seattle.  I don't have his
address or phone number with me here at the office, but if any of you are
interested in that, I can pass it on.  Initial diagnosis cost is about
$400 and the nuitritional supplements cost me about the same or a little more
than the combination of Sinemet and Deprenyl.  It's not cheap.  But neither
is our basic medication.  I get about half of what he suggests, from my local
stores, and the rest either from him or directly from the supplier.
        This is the kind of thing that I hope that we might be sharing with
each other.  Have a Happy and Safe New Year!
                Bob Newbrough