

A special "Hi" to Henry Fieglein and family and J. R. Newbrough.
You two guys sound morose at the best.  What with ""My great-aunt died of PD
2 years ago ..." and "I have entered the beginning of the end";  That is the
kind of attitude, and lack of understanding of PD, that gives the disease a
bad name<G>.
First off, I know of no-one who has died directly of PD!  It is true that I
do not know everybody, but I do know that PD has been proven to be a ==>
lifestyle <== threatening disease, NOT a life threatening disease.  Some
people do die of other diseases whose recovery is not helped because of the
complications of Parkinson's ....but they don't die OF Parkinson's Disease.
Generally, when this happens, the person was not taking care of him/her self
in the first place, and the consequence could have been avoided.  ...oK, OK,
so grant me a gererality or two<G>!
As for the "beginning of The End";  That starts the day you are born
all, Parkinsonian or not.  ...unless, of course, you are planning, like me,
to live forever<G>.  Parkinson's disease IS NOT the end of life.  It is the
beginning of a new way of life.  An adventure, that allows you to learn, to
help other people, and to enjoy what life you have left according to that big
book up in the sky (or should that be "down in the ground?).
I think that you will find - if explored - that a positive attitude will help
as much (or maybe even more) than any drug that you can find.  Be active;
stay social; be positive; don't cry in your beer; and you will find, that at
times, you might even forget you have PD ....or that your father-in-law
follows your lead.
There is a 14 minute video (VHF - NTSC only) called "LAMPS Light: A Support
Group Profile" made for the  National Parkinson Foundation, Inc. that
addresses some of the aspects of a positive attitude.  The address is NPF,
1501 Ninth Avenue NW, Miami  FL  33136, USA.  I suggest you look at this
It also sounds like you need to understand more about Parkinson's  disease,
it's history, the manifestations of the disease, and what is going on that
gives hope in the future.  I suggest that you read "Parkinson's Disease: The
Mystery, The Search and the Promise"  ISBN 0-9620354-1-6.  Library of
Congress # 92-093912, or you can order the book from Pixel Press, Department
N, P O Box 3151, Tequesta, FL, 33469, USA, for a cost of US$16.95 in the US
or US$17.50 elsewhere, ground postage pre-paid.  I think you will find both
of the above interesting, and, who knows, might put a smile on your face.
Hang in there guys.  Living life in the fullest, as best and as happy as you
can, is a lot better than the alternative me on this<VBG>.
Vern Dauphin : a 15 year Parkinsonian       <[log in to unmask]>