

Just last Friday, I had a discussion with my family doctor about demerol.
I had read in the local Parkinson's support group newsletter about the
suspected dangers of demerol for those of us on eldepryl.  She was unaware
of this.  I will send her a copy of the previous message.
Re the discussion of having a positive attitude...let me share a short
story.  I went to the family doctor because, during a visit to the local
Breastscreening Clinic, a suspicious lump was found.  A surgeon at the
clinic did a needle biopsy which was negative.  He still recommended the
lump be removed....erring on the side of caution.  Because I have
fibrocystic breast disease (non-malignant cysts), my family doctor said no
to the surgery...she would keep checking the suspicious lump.  After the
good (WONDERFUL) news, I did some errands (in the middle of a snowstorm),
came home and prepared a special dinner for my husband.  I realized that
with all that stress, in and out of the car, shopping, driving through
white-outs and about 2 feet of snow, and preparing dinner, I wasn't half
as tired as the week walking was freer...I felt GOOD!
Then I read the message about having a positive attitude.  Very true...not
possible all of the time...but true.  I think that one of the things that
helped deal with the diagnosis was the statement that there was nothing I
did that caused it and nothing I could have done to prevent it....or maybe
it was the one...'the judicious use of alcohol is not contraindicated'
(either the content of the message or the medical-ese of it) :).