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 I'm a 56 year old male, born and live in Mexico with diagnosed
Parkinson's disease since I was 40. No tremor, but rigidity.
Reasonably mobile during the day and very disabled the first part
of the night. Up to now, responsive to Sinemet but with strong
dyskinesia. I take 5 tablets of the 100/25 and 4 half tablets
every 1.5 hrs. I also take Permax .25 every 1.5 hrs. I also take
Xanax 3mg total per day.
     Last year strong muscle contractures appeared mainly in the
chest, but also in the shoulders and upper back. I was operated
of the prostrate gland due to difficulties in initiating
urination, but the operation didn't help, and now I have almost
constant pain in the pelvic area, specially at night. The
urologists I consult say that they don't think it's an
obstruction, but the difficulties are due  to Parkinson's
disease, which causes a "neurogenic" bladder, and that is the
cause of erratic behavior of the bladder. What I know of
Parkinson is that the disease causes incontinence, but not the
opposite, and that pain is rare. I don't know what to do, because
if I follow the urologic path, I will be subjected to catheterism,
cystoscopy and all the rough procedures that will cause a havoc
in my parkinsonism; the neurological approach means that I have
to have the unbearable pain with analgesics  as the only
amelioraton that don't even kill the suffering.
     Any input about the above and muscle pain in PD will be
greatly appreciated.
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