

Subject: Doctor Visit
Hi All! - Well, I went to see the Neurologist, Dr Carlos
Singer, at the National Parkinson Foundation about joining
his study group and it turned out that I did not meet the
requirements. A pharmeceutical Co. is sponsoring the study
(on some new drug they are testing) and they need patients
that have been diagnosed in the last five years and  have
a history of more rapid deterioration. Whereas my case has
been relatively stable over the last 8 years. Soooo, so
much for that approach. I still think that transplant is
the ultimate answer but it is a procedure that I will wait
on until there is more positive data about it.  Right now
it is a gamble and I dont think I want to gamble my future
on an iffy action. At least I still get around reasonably
well and my mental processes seem to be holding their own.
I asked Dr. Singer for his opinion and he was quite
emphatic about waiting until there is more definite data
available to work with.  He has been treating patients at
the NPF for several years and along with two other
neurologists has not recommended any patients for the
transplant operation........ED H