

Hi All,
Dad has a book which some of you might be interested in.
"Designing for the Disabled"
by Selwyn Goldsmith
ISBN 0-900630 50 7
525 Pages, 478 diagrams.
Cost 35 pounds Sterling
It is "for the design of buildings for the disabled". Probably useful to
you if you are building a house, or fitting one out for a disabled
person. Contains lots of standards & tips about how wide doors should
be, heights of toilet seats, dimensions of door handles, work surfaces
etc. Very informative, if you like that sort of thing!
Quote off the back cover:
"Obligatory source of guidance for every architect ... everyone
concerned with the planning and management of buildings used by
handicapped people"
It is published by the Royal Institution of British Architects:
    RIBA Publications Ltd
    Finsbury Mission
    Moreland St.
    EC1V 8VB
You might have something like this produced in the US, I don't know.
Still, it seems a very detailed and informative book.
Simon Coles
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