

-                           Rainbow v 1.24                           -
I do not think any one needs to learn to swim to get the benefit of
exercise in water.  Many pools have water exercise classes and they
say do what you can and just mark time until you can join in the next
exercise.  The trick is to get in the shallow end of pool but just
deep enough to get your sholder under water.  Gals will find a shower
cap will keep their hair from being splashed and and smashed like a
swim cap does.  After a very few classes any one can know what helps
them and they can go to pool in off hours and work out as they know
what is best for them but you need to be shown the positive effects of
a child's ball and a gallon plastic jug with handle with various
amounts of water in it so you can take what works for you.  Just
because you currently have only one problem area water exercise could
do much to keep the count at one for an extended peroid of time.  All
right I am off my soap box so take heart.  Norma in Midland, TX nbaker1
Fellows Sarah 1642-1713 dau of Richard wife of Samuel Beldon