

Dear Bob,
I did not know I was going to be so verbal, but here goes.  My advice would
be to see an orthopedic specialist who can evaluate what is happening.
I was not on Nautilus, but from refinishing cabinets, I suspect, I developed
severe pain in my left shoulder.  Thinking it was a pd symptom, I ignored it
until I could not sleep at night.  Then I remembered from my past checkered
medical history that I had bursitis twice previously in that shoulder.  By
the time I got to the ortho and physical therapist, the shoulder, shoulder
blade, and rib cage were involved.  Physical therapy for six months brought
me a long way;  I also had two injections of cortisone.
The therapist told me that tendonitis probably was the initial set-off.  She
was very insightful and  custom designed a new work-out for me every time I
went.  What a gem!  The therapy included heat packs and ultrasound.  It was
very painful (thought I would warn you.)  She also taught me to distinguish
"good" pain and "bad".
At the end, she told me that she never thought I would make it because of the
I continue with daily range of motion and the workout for ten minutes a day
on the exercycle.  If I go overboard on the cycle, the pain returns and then
I back off a bit.  I worked out when under therapy with the pulley over the
door and various resistance exercises with the colored rubber strips, etc.
Moderation in all things!
Best wishes,
Lucile            RWright229