

A wealth of information already exist concerning the effects of  defoliants
on humans. Depending on whom you trust and believe, our government or our
soldiers, there is either little if any effect or a great effect. Go by your
local VFW hall and ask a few questions about Agent Orange, a defoliant
containing dioxin used extensively in Vietnam. You will hear horror stories
about both physical and neurological problems related to the chemical. Or
call the Veterans Hospital and find out the government side of the story,
which is basically that there is little statistical difference between Vets
and norms in physical/neurological problems.
   Of course, the statistics are collected by the government.
   Several Vet organizations have collected their own statistics concerning
Agent Orange in their pursuit of medical and financial support from the
government. The VFW can help you locate a local source for this information.
   There is no editorial comment made here. It's probably better that way.