

Barbara:  Thank you for the information.  It does sound like a good deal.
So far, I have had no problems with what I'm eating....only that my intake
of calories exceeds my output.  My husband is now doing more of the
cooking.  He is a shift worker on 12-hour shifts so he's at home more days
than I am.  My 15 year old daughter is sure food is not edible if it
didn't come from a fast-food outlet.  The shake does sound like a good
idea especially at lunch time.  I will phone the number you gave and read
all about it.
As I said in a previous message, I have just recently started taking
Sinemet.  After having problems with it at first, my system seems to have
adjusted and WOW, what a difference.  My typing speed is back to what it
was years ago...may not sound like earth-shattering news but I'm a secretary
and, although I've had no complaints about my work, being able to get
through it faster FEELS GOOD.  Also, I THINK I got a compliment...the
parking attendant gave me a hard time about using the disabled parking
even though I have the proper sticker on my car.  I was annoyed at first
and then I thought that was OK!  I work in a medical centre where
everything is a long walk from everything else.  The halls seem to have
grown shorter.
The only problem I have had, other than the reaction at first, is that I
fall asleep after dinner and then don't sleep well at night.  I'm not sure
if that is related to the Sinemet or not.  After the violent death of my
friend in January, I had a lot of trouble sleeping and the family dr.
prescribed a mild sleeping pill.  I still take them occasionally but don't
like the idea of becoming addicted to something like that.  The only other
thing that helps is camomille tea.  I intend to try going for a walk after
dinner (if I can stay awake long enough) but if it's not snowing out, it's
freezing rain.  I'm ready for spring...we had snow all day and now we're
having the freezing rain.  For those listmembers from places with more
sensible weather, my apologies and envy.  March must be THE month for
Canadians to complain about the weather.