

Keith Vandenberg:  Run, don't walk, to your nearest bookstore and order
PARKINSON'S DISEASE  - The Complete Guide For Patients And Caregivers - by
Abraham Lieberman, M.D. (Chairman of the Medical Advisory Board, American
Parkinson's Disease Association) - buy the l993 edition as it  is fairly up
to date.  If you study this book you will know almost as much as the
neurologists who specialize in PD - more than most general neurologists -
much, much more than most  internists and general practitioners (unless the
doctor happens to have PD or someone close has PD).  In the meantime:
DYSKINESIA:  Slow, involuntary, writhing, twisting, restless movements  of
hands and feet, and head bobbing(athetosis), and rapid, jerky, dancelike
movement of the body (chorea)  The severity of dyskinesia is as as rule
directly related to the severity and duration of the disease and to the total
daily levodopa dosage--the  higher the dosage the worse the dyskinesia.
TREMOR:  A rhythmical fairly fast shaking of a  limb, head, mouth, tongue, or
other part of body.  Disease symptom.
BRADYKINESIA:  Slowness of movement.  Disease symptom.
AKINESIA:  No movement.  Advanced disease symptom.  FREEZING is a temporary
inability to move (usually several seconds).  Disease symptom.  A form of
ATAXIA:  Loss of balance.  FESTINATION:  Short, shuffling steps; involuntary
speeding up of gait. RETROPULSION:  Involuntary movement backward.  All can
cause falling and serious injury. Disease symptoms.
MICROGRAPHIA:  Handwriting that becomes smaller and cramped.  Often the
earliest disease symptom.
Barbara Yacos, RN