

Dear Sergio Guzik:
        With regard to your back pain, I have two suggestions:
        1.  I took a class in Iyengar yoga several years ago and in the course
of that the teacher had us lie on our backs "up" on a bolster, a kind of
pillow that is 3-4 in. high, 14 in wide and 26 in long.  It is made like a
futon stuffed with cotton.  One lies with the buttocks on the floor and the
rise of the bolster in the small of the back.  It took awhile to adjust to
it, but now I do it regularly when my back is sore, as it was over this past
weekend from riding the a car for 6 hrs.  I usually do it at my office 1-2 x
during the day and once during the evening at home.  I spend about 15 min.
lying on it, meditating or napping.
        2.  Mary Schatz, MD, a local physician who is also trained in Iyengar
yoga, has written a commercial book called THE BACK BOOK that contains a lot
of exercises for the back.  I would be glad to get a copy and send it to you.
It costs about $20.
        I am glad to hear from you.  Are you out of the hospital and feeling
better?  Several of us were concerned about you.
        All the best.  Bob Newbrough ([log in to unmask])