

As a member of the temporary executive committee for our
Support Group we are setting out to pump some life into the
group.The once-a-month meetings are rather boring and as a
result are poorly attended. It is the committee's opinion
that some interesting activity(s) should be included or
added to the agenda. I would welcome suggestions from you
Parkies on this board as to what  >>>> activities your
support groups include with their meetings.
An excellent meeting room is provided by the South Miami
Hospital but it is somewhat limited as to the kinds of
activity that can be programmed. However the X-committee is
also considering a second meeting on the mid week between
the regular monthly meetings at an alternate location such
as a city park or beach or party facility which could
revolve around a Pot Luck or Picnic get together and
provide a location for a wider variety of activities. Again
we will welcome suggestions and ideas for this approach.
Another possibility discussed is to form smaller,
specialized groups such as a bridge club or having ongoing
games-tournaments such as chess or scrabble where
contestants meet in their respective homes. Current scores,
standings, and revised pairings posted in the monthly
Newsletter. Comments?
From what little I know of the group (I am a new member)
the age group tends to be on the older side - average 60 -
65. Thanks in advance for what I hope to be an interesting
response...ED H