

Dear Vern - Hello again. I had about given up on hearing
from you again. I wrote to you about a month ago after
attending a  meeting of this support group where among
other items your video Lamps Light was shown. Since then we
(a volunteer commitee) have put considerable time and
effort into updating the member list and compiling a
program that hopefully will draw some interest and
attendence. We have sent out an extensive mailing to the
members outlining the program and including a basic
questionaire all of which appears to be sparking interest.
   I agree that getting together for 2 hours a month is not
enough time to establish acquaintainces(sp) especially if
time is used for business and/or a guest speaker. Along
this line of thinking one of the first items I am going to
push for is picnic/potluck get togethers at parksites or
other suitable locations on the mid-week between the
regular meetings. This would provide an opportunity to get
better acquainted and share in some activities.
   Anyway I'll keep in touch. Maybe in the future we can
set up a yearly conference and have all the local support
groups participate......ED H <AOL, *P, I-Net>
   Oh, I just re-read your letter with the offer to come to
one of our meetings as a guest speaker. Yes, we'd welcome
you and Sue, too, of course. Our meetings are scheduled
every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM