

Good day,
        Yesterday I spoke to Becky and shared the comments from Gary and Dave.
Becky had some suggestions.
Constipation:  She has found that exercises which stretch the abdominal
muscles help them to relax and this helps.  She has also found that gentle
massaging of the lower abdominal muscles help them to relax and this helps as
Herbicides etc:  Becky spent years in a veterinary clinic and she feels that
the exposure to the chemicals contributed greatly to her PD.  She was diagnosed
at the age of 35 or so.  She also thinks that stress was a contributing factor.
Currently Becky is seeing a naturopath who used to be an RN.  This lady is
treating her for liver problems and low adrenal gland functions.  (I hope I've
said the words correctly and in the right order.)  At one time there was a
researcher in Canada who believed that PD was caused by a liver malfunction.
We don't know.  The naturopath is currently treating Becky with Chinese herbs.
We believe that between the amino acids and vitamins and minerals, and the
herbs she is doing better.  Her tremors much less severe now than they
were when she started taking all these things.
Jeff Jones
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