

Lucile Wright,
My pleasure.  Enjoy your ice cream.
My underlying point is one should never depend on the neurologist for the
total picture of information on Parkinson's Disease.  Learn all you can about
your disease as you can.  The neurologist is a busy person.  Busy with more
disorders than just Parkinson's, and sometimes he is so busy he cannot stay
as current with the literature as you can.  Besides, if you have PD it is in
you best interest to learn all you can about the "stuff" so that you can
ferret out the true information from the mis-information yourself.  I would
like to suggest the following books:
"Parkinson's: A Patient's View"  ISBN 0-932020-09-7
"Progress In Parkinson Research" ISBN 0-360-43096-7
"Parkinson's Disease: The Mystery, The Search and the Promise" ISBN
"Parkinson's Disease: A Guide for Patient and Family" ISBN 0-88167-729-9
Read, enjoy, and learn,