

Scott McKinnon-
>Obviously as it appears here, you are working with other people to set up
>a site on AOL.  Sounds great for those connected to AOL.  Is there a
>connect to the internet from AOL?  Since AOL is a commercial
>organization, is someone trying to get people who are currently
>connected to the internet, join up with AOL?
AOL members can access internet mailing lists and newsgroups. In addition
other internet services are becomming available.  I think everything on the
internet is available except FTP.  Much of is is still being tested.
I don't think any one is trying to make an effort to recruit internet members
to AOL because of PD as yet.  I had held off any official anouncement of the
APDA-AOL connection until it was official.  Several details are still being
worked out.  APDA has not been given a demo of the system yet.  However I
don't see any roadblocks ahead, it's just a matter of needing time to convert
the materiel from print to a computer compatible form.  I have  converted
about 1/2Meg
of files and sent them to AOL, I  still have a little under a meg to go.
Once the PD area is ready and running, APDA will publicize it amoung its
(Which should be everyone in the US with an interest in PD.)
I think the AOL PD area can act as a clearinghouse of information.  Right now
I think the internet is growing faster than resources can be put to it.  In
the next few years we will see some tremendous changes towards a more
commericial network.  To duplicate the services AOL will provide to the PD
community with a direct internet connection would require a not
insignificient amount computing power and staff.
>maybe in the
>future there can be some (joining) without the trappings of some
>commercial entity getting involved (re: $)
I thing people must realize that information costs money, someone must
ultimately pick up the bill,
either you or your employer, or your school.  Someone foots the bill. With a
commericial service, I foot the bill, and if I am unsatisfied with the
service I'll go elsewhere. This is the way it should work in a capitalist
Greg Johnson
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