

Well it took me a while, but I found the absolute best door handles in the
world.  Some of you may remember that we discussed this a few months back.
 I'm a little slow, but I think you will like what I've come up with.  There
is a company in Italy producing a handle called NOS (which stands for New
Operating System) - nothing to do with computers.  It is not just another
handle.  The company producing them is called CAS Spa (Spa is the Italian
version of Inc.-more or less).  The company which designed the system is
called Design Group Italia.
According to the article I have here in front of me, Design Studios can fax a
request for complete technical documentation (with samples)  to
39-362-542654.  I will be doing this.  In the meantime, if anyone would like
to see a picture of them, I would be happy to scan the images and email a
jpeg to anyone interested.
I hope this helps.  By the way, they are truly the most elegant solution I've
ever seen.   Other than what I've read, I know nothing else about either
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