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I am a 60 year old physician with Parkinson's Disease of 7 years. Thus
far I have noted only miniscule or no benefits from available
medications. For the past 10 weeks I have taken gradually increasing
doses of cabergoline, starting with 0.5 mg and now up to 5 mgm/day
(maximum allowed). I have experienced peculiar aching sensations. These
were mild at first and temporary but lately have increased in intensity
and persistence. The ache is mainly in the left shoulder, the left
anterior and posterior hemithorax (front and back of the left chest),
the neck, the left upper arm (antero-lateral) and sometimes the left
upper inner arm. There are episodic pains in the left flank, right
buttocks, and right calf. The neck, chest, and shoulder pain are
aggravated by bending and raising the neck, and also with neck rotation.
Coughing may sometimes worsen pain. Interestingly, the pain is often
lessened by elevating the left arm. All the pain ceases in bed if I lie
still on my back (supine) or on my right or left sides (decubitus
position). The pain is exacerbated on arising and  stretching (to put on
socks) or bending. The pain is associated with temporary  weakness of
the arms and hands, i.e., pulling,  pushing. There is no loss of
sensation, numbness or tingling. My appetite is good.
I started to keep a diary in March, 94 when I began the cabergoline. I
am not sure if the pain began before or after the use of the medication.
My concern is, could this pain be drug-related. Stopping the medication
should of course answer the question but this may be premature. The drug
investigators want me to continue.
I would appreciate the apparent problems that others may have
experienced and especially if anyone has had a peculiar musculo-skeletal
symptom like mine. ( It would be premature to indict the cabergoline at
this time, and the symptoms may be unrelated to the illness or the
Thank you for your replies.
- Julian Mayro