

Dear Fred. I am very sympathetic to your medication problem with your Mom.
I had the same problem, my mother was taking things/not taking things which I
was afraid was making her symptoms worse. The dilemma was...are her current
symptoms from the Parkinsons or from the meds!  I tried charts for her to
check off (I couldn't be there each dosage time) but she forgot whether she took
them or not.  Then, I tried the little week-long pill compartmentized pack.
The little plastic cases have daily snap-out cases with four compartments to
take along with you.  I still had problems with that, because she tends to
go in and "reorganize" things, and gets confused when she does this. Now,
my step-father or the visiting nurse checks her pill boxes for proper dosages.
We had quite a difficult time at one point when she dumped out all her white
pills, mixing them together. I then had to sort and recontainerize them for
her.  She hasn't done that lately, so things are somewhat better. I feel that
the medication issue is a complex and recurring problem with PD.
Lynn Lowe
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