

For Andrew and Meredith
I have faced similar problems and I know that this is a time for action.
Is there a support group nearby? Or an information and referral centre?
They could help you find a Speech Language Pathologist (sometimes called
a Speech Therapist).  If you can find a therapist with an interest in
Parkinson's so much the better. Start now.  When you know where these
specialists can be found get your doctor to refer your mother for an
assessment and the required treatment/training.
        Speech requires several sets of muscles: Mouth, Tongue, Larynx
and Chest. All must work smoothly together for speech to be clear.  A
professional can identify problem areas and design a treatment plan.
Your mother is the one who will have to do the hard work every day.
        The exercise group I attend ends its weekly session with a set of
breathing, facial and voice exercises. We repeat them at home, at least
once a day, because it is it is easier to maintain a function than to
regain it once it is lost.
Don't give up, it may take time, it is sure to be difficult but it isn't
Anne Rutherford       [log in to unmask]