

Dear Leif, Roy and Joseph and others,
I am a 43 year old Parksonian.  Diagnosis was made 2 years ago after
symptoms for some 13 years.  I took a disability annuity from work in Jan.
1993 due to the stress associated with my job.  I am affected mainly on my
left side; but there is also a slight presence many days in my right arm.
Shaving is tedious on those days.  I began taking eldepryl in June, 1993
after participating in 2 drug studies at Rush Presbyterian St. Lukes
Hospital in Chicago.  I began Sinemet 10/100 in May, 1994, 3 times a day
which has helped strengthen my voice, and helped my confidence in
interacting, but has not relieved the rigidity om my left side.  The tremor
of my left hand has not been helped with my small dose of Sinemet.  This
small dose is prescribed by my neurologist "so I can take it for 10 years
with no increase".  My neuro claims I have Parkinson's Syndrome -- the main
difference being progression will be slower.  From what I've read, there is
much diversity in opinion as to the existence of a Parkinson's SYNDROME.
Joseph, I've tried vitamin regimens, herbs, Chinese herbs and tonics (tiger
bones and other ridiculous concoctions) but have settled on vitamins C, A &
D (cod liver oil), B-12, bran tablets, and 2 Ginsana on days when I play
golf.   I also stopped eating red meat.   Wary as I am I found people who
were willing to make claims of successful treatments for PD.  I tried
accupuncture for a month and (this is where I took Chinese herbs, etc.) and
the Korean Dr. kept telling me how much better I was, but I saw no improvement.
Leif, I have seen progression in the past 2 years.   I think taking Sinemet
masks the progression however.
I 1980 I frequently began having terrible stiff necks for 7-8 days at a
time.  I never went to a Dr. as they would subside.  Also, I noticed my
memory was bad.  I took vitamin B6 at that time (DO NOT TAKE WITH SINEMET)
and my memory improved.  By 1990 I was depressed, which I saw no reason for
so I ignored it.  I reasoned that my life as so good I had no reason to be
depressed and I had no inkling that my depression was physiological.  My
depression subsided by 1992 and has not returned.
It's so important to have support from your mate and I'm lucky to have
"Jackie" to check on current research via computer and newsletters and to
keep me in line.  Also, we've found that Alan Bonander is the best person
to rely on for information and he also publishes "Movers and Shakers" for
young onset Parkinsonians.  I was heartened to read his message of July 24
regarding research and the Morris K. Udall Act which will increase research
with even "a crue by the year 2000".  Jackie and I both subscribe
wholeheartedly to PAN (Parkinson's Action Network) too.  Also, you'll feel
better if you get some exercise.
Hope I've helped in some way.
                                   Bob, Florida ([log in to unmask])