

I'm new to this list and discovered it by accident when playing around with our
new modem.  I'm 47 years old and am considered an "young" Parkinsonian and work
full-time as a teacher-librarian.  Originally, I'm from America but have lived
in Australia for 22 years.
There is a PD association in Melbourne, but it mainly deals with older PD's
with more advanced cases.  My condition is moderately advanced and is
reasonably controlled by medication, except for the morning when I experience
fairly severe dystonia for a short time.  My neurologist prescribed Eldepryl
with my usual doses of Sinemet, Parlodel and Amantadine, but I found that it
made me nauseous and discontinued it.  Has anyone used Eldepryl and had the
same results?
There is not much education about PD in Australia, and if I tell anyone I have
PD, they either don't believe me, react as if Ive told them I have terminal
illness or ask me to explain what it is.  Since I have to take my medication
during the day at work, I sometimes get tired of explaining what PD is for the
umteenth time when people become inquisitive about the tablets I'm taking.
Fortunately, I still keep fairly active, though I find I'm slower at doing
things than I used to be.
My PD was diagnosed about 5 years ago and hasn't gor much worse, though I worry
that it might in the future or that the medication will no longer be effective.
I would like to correspond with some other members of the list.
Celia Jones     [log in to unmask]