

Norm Bennett, a volunteer firefighter from Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada who
has Parkinson's and will be retiring from firefighting after 21 years, has
decided to go out with a "blaze" of glory in an effort to promote Parkinson
awareness in his area and in Nova Scotia as a whole. Norm will sit on the
top of an aerial ladder from Friday August 5th to Sunday evening August
7th. This event takes place during Windsor's annual "Sam Slick Days" which
celebrate the writings of Thomas Chandler Haliburton, the creator of Sam
Slick, the sharp, witty Yankee 19th century clock pedlar. Besides gaining
awareness for Parkinson's Norm, is using the event as a fundraiser for
Parkinson's in his community.
Everyone involved in Parkinson's will wish him well. By sending this
message on the Parkinson Information Exchange Network, we hope
that others around the world might call him during his ladder sit to
encourage him and wish him well. If you are able to and so inclined, Norm
will have a cellular phone with him in his specially-designed ladder chair
during the weekend. He would be thrilled to get calls from the far-flung
Parkinson network.
Norm's cell number is (902) 798-7826. He expects to be on the ladder
between 10:00 am ADT (Atlantic Daylight Time) Friday, August 5 and about
5:00 pm ADT on Sunday, August 7.
I'll post news about how the event went next week on the Newtork.
Many thanks
Peter Kidd
 Peter J.
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