

From: "Barb Colmery" <[log in to unmask]>
David & Avivia
I don't know any of the specifics, but I do know that the husband of someone on
staff here went to Emory for treatment, because of the progress there
with the treatment of PD. I imagine it would be worth checking out
with Emory. If I learn anymore form here I will let you know.
Barb Colmery
>From:          "David S. Devor" <[log in to unmask]>
Hello list friends,
A rumor has it (someone saw something on T.V.) that at Emory?
University in Atlanta, they've developed a scanning or mapping
technique that allows pinpointing locations in the brain
including for the pallidotomy.
Does anyone know anything more about this?
David & Aviva Devor
viva Devor
Barb Colmery ([log in to unmask])