

I was wondering if I might ask for some "semi-related" advice.  I have
belonged to this group for quite some time.  I mostly "sit in the corner" and
listen.  I developed some unique eating utensils.  I chatted with some of you
before about them.  My question is this.  The product we developed (some of
you will remember) is the first "ergonomic flatware".  As everyone knows,
there is nothing ergonomic about a "stick with a head on it" - which is
basically what regular flatware is.  I have been showing it around and the
response has been quite good.  I even had someone from the Museum of Modern
Art in NY ask me to send it to them.  The problem of price always comes up.
 That is only naturally since they will be for sale - eventually.  I am
committed to making the utensils as elegant as possible, and that resulted in
a rather pricy product.  They don't cost any more than expensive flatware,
but people aren't used to buying expensive flatware.  Anyways, I was
wondering if anyone knows anything about setting up a foundation?  I think it
makes more sense to sell a truly elegant upscale product - which is truly
unique in the functional problems it resolves - through Sharper Image, Neiman
Marcus, Saks, etc., than sell it through a healthcare catalog (I have been
approached by them all!) where they would like me to produce a "cheap
version".  I would rather make it available for nothing through a foundation
for those who can't afford them.  Once they have them in their house, who
would know where they got them or what they paid?  I have absolutely know
experience in this.  If anyone can help, I would appreciate hearing from you.
 I would also be interested in anyone's opinion.  Since it might not be to
appropriate for this group, you could write me directly at
[log in to unmask]  As some of you might remember, I developed these
utensils for relatives which have every imaginable disease which effects the
hands (arthritis, MS, osteoporoseous, Parkinson's, etc.).  They all told me
that they didn't want to buy something that sacrficed their dignity.  I would
be happy to send a postcard to anyone who wants to see them so as to give me
an opinion (no they are not for sale yet - and I am not trying to plug it).
 I would greatly appreciated your opinion and suggestions.
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