

Dear Barbara and others,
I think I posted on this topic before---but I thought
it wouldn't hurt (excuse the pun) to recommend that
we all should consider physiotherapy early and whenever
it is needed.  Which is oftener than your doctor will
think of it.  This is a long message - you may want to
skip the
 section in the middle and go to the last's
the important one.
Now to pain in the ankle and foot,  knowing that the
resulting poor gait can ruin your knees AND your hips
and back.
About 5 yrs ago I started getting the most awful pains on
 the outside  of my foot just to the front and down from
 the ankle bone. It didn't help that I was "going over on
 my ankle"  and injuring it.
I saw a physio who had treated me for other problems
and she suggested the following -- after observation--
The inside of the calf was cramping up and shortening
thus weakening and stretching the muscles down the
outside of the leg, right down to the foot, which was
turning in  and twisting. With the weak muscles I was
injuring the ?ligaments and ?  and this was causing
slight swelling and bad pain.  First thing was to ease
the pain and swelling.
We started work with the "twitcher box" -you can tell I
am no professional.  We got the the outside muscles to
respond. Later  I graduated to a new type of torture.
Sitting with legs extended and feet tied together with an
elastic bandage  I pulled my toes away from each other,
using, groan, the  full set of muscles on the outside of the
foot and leg.
It took a long time but now I can keep the pain at bay by
working the outside of the legs several times during the day.
I don't bother with the bandage now.  All this happened about
4-5 years ago and as  I am much slowed by the Parkinson's.  I
don't know how good I would be if I walked as much as a person
without Parkinsons would.
I would like to add this comment:-
Use your body as much as you can  when the drugs
 make it possible to move.  It is  hard to keep at
 the exercises alone--try a group.  In just one  week
 our exercise class will start again. How we miss it!
How good we feel after each session! It will raise our
spirits to see the 'gang' again. I must put our music
on, get out of my chair and get the blood circulating.
Anne Rutherford  [log in to unmask]