

Hello from Oz,
I have certainly learned a great deal about PD from subscribing to this list.
Generally, there seems to be a dearth of information available on the disease
compared to other ailments and am encouraged to see that American sufferers are
lobbying to get the Udall bill passed to allocate more money for research into
PD as I do feel it has been a neglected disease that affects so many people yet
has such a low profile.
I'm  relatively "young" to have PD (47 yrs old) and have had the disease for
about 5 years. (At least, I was then diagnosed as having it, but I suspect that
the signs were there before that time.  It has always bothered me that the
neurologist couldn't give me any idea of the actual cause of the disease but
vaguely suggested it was due to a virus or exposure to a toxic substance.
In the back of my mind, I keep thinking back to 8 years ago when we had a
termit infestation in our home and had to bring in the exterminators who put a
very powerful insecticide (name unknown) under our house, in a trench around
the house and in certain infested areas of the interior walls.  There was a
strong smell from the insecticide for days afterwards.  Could it be possible
that this might have caused the onset of PD?  Has anyone else had any similar
Celia Jones
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