

Hello, my name is Saul Shubin and I live in the Philadelphia area.  My wife
is 55 years old and was diagnosed with PD in 1989.  Her disease has
progressed at a rapid pace and was told by her neurologist, Mathew Stern,
that she is atypical.  I am her primary caretaker.
Her main problems at this time are:  swallowing and speaking.  It is
difficult for her to swallow food and hence is loosing weight and strength.
 It is also difficult for her to project her voice and at present is not able
to converse on the telephone. -- except in hard to understand whispers (at
best).  The swallowing and speaking problem started within the last six
months.  We have an appointment to see a speach pathologist at Graduate
Hospital in Phila. in mid September.
Anybody have any thoughts or suggestions?
p.s.  My son and daughter in law (Andrew and Meredith in State College, PA )
introduced me to this discussion group.