

 We are 5 Danish students from the Royal Danish school of Pharmacy : Vibeke
Grauenkjaer (22 years old), Ingun Hansen (20), Lars Frandsen (22), Charlotte
Egeboe (22) and Vibeke Nyrud (23).
 None of us have any relatives or friends with PD. As a part of our education
we are working on a project concerning PD. Some of our fellow students are
working with the biological aspects of PD, some with development of drugs, and
some of them with the enviromental influences on PD.
Our project is called : "PD seen from the patients point of view."
 Since we are studying pharmacy, we are particularly interested in the medical
aspects. That is e.g. traditional and alternative treatment and side effects.
We will be working be on this project until end of November.
 We have already read some of your recent corresponding and we are looking
forward to be a part of the list and to learn more about PD.
                                            Sincerely yours
                                    Lars, Vibeke, Vibeke, Ingun and Charlotte.