

Dear Matt, thanks for your very compassionate note.  Your dad is indeed
fortunate to have such a large and caring family.  That is one of his greatest
assets, and will be more so as his disease progresses.  My mother experienced
a lengthy period of depression, for which she was treated with antidepressants.
That was helpful for a time, but one must be cautious because these medications
are so toxic.  At one point, she was definately overmedicated.  She is now on
a minimal level of antidepressant and doing much better.  The loss of motor
skills is another story and one I'm not certain I know the end of.  In my
mother's case, she was an excellent seamstress, bowler and very well coordinated
and athletic.  She has lost most of those abilities, which is one of the hardest
things to accept.  Compensating with other things is an option, especially for
one as young as your father.  Perhaps something which doesn't require the fine
motor skills as much.
You have my best wishes, and hopes that you father will respond well to new
meds as they are introduced, and know that your support and love are the prime
element in both his adjustment and for your mother's.
Lynn Lowe