

 Mark, I think the best philosophy is "one day at a time". Things change so
from day to day, and the responses from the med. profession seem to conflict.
The in-home care seems to be as helpful as anything. I also encourage my Mom,
as does her husband, to try to walk daily, even if only a short way. She is
having more and more difficulty with that due to forward-bent posture. Her
back is very much in pain.  We are going to try a back brace to see if that offe
 rs any measure of relief.  We are also not close enough to a Parkinson's suppor
group to take advantage, but if you are, it is a marvelous help. And if sociali-
zing is a problem, it helps with that as well.
We're all watching, listening and hoping to learn something to be of help.
Best wishes,
Lynn Lowe