

Dear Robert Fink:
I appreciated your response to my discussion about the high costs of
some of these treatments . I would be very interested in reading your
article, and would appreciate your letting us know if it is
published. If not, I am sure there are others on this list who would
be interested in reading it, & would also like to see you post it
I have been associated with the medical profession in one way or
another all of my adult life. While I respect, admire, etc.etc.
physicians who do so much for so many, I do feel there has to be some
limit on how much this should be worth financially. National health
care scares me, because I worry about the range of negative effects
it may have on the level of care provided. However, I believe
something needs to be done to control these fees which I feel are out
of proportion, and often inaccessible except to the financially
advantaged. Clearly there's alot which needs to be "cleaned up", but
I have never viewed the federal government as being terribly
efficient. One major gain would come from an overhaul of hospitals,
where inefficiency, etc. keeps overhead so high.